Thursday, April 12, 2007

went to this last night:

Branded Entertainment

No longer settling for the 30-second spot, brands strive to be more visible and more subtle at the same time, as the endangered spot gives way to reality show and video game tie-ins, and brand-generated content appears everywhere from YouTube and Xbox to airplanes and movie theaters. Those in the avant garde of the branding revolution report on what’s working, what isn’t, and where the trend is headed. Presented by the Center for Communication.

Kirk Iwanowski, EVP, Marketing, Branded Entertainment & Sponsorship, Sundance Channel
Patti Kim, Vice President, William Morris Agency
Chet Fenster, Managing Partner, Director of Content Creation, MEC Entertainment
Bill Hilary, President, Magna Global Entertainment
Stuart Elliot, Advertising Columnist, New York Times (moderator)

the only reason this was a bad panel was because the moderator was cutting in on the the guest panelists' time. again and again, he kept interrupting with his own stories and wisecracks. and he himself did not come up with good questions. i'm not sure what notes he was taking either if it were not to come up with better follow-up questions.


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